Archive 3
Educational Content Expansion Planned as part of Distance Learning Program
As a result of the need to possibly present the Fall 2020 and future semesters in a Distance Learning infrastructure, CCS has expanded the strategic role of the administration's Krzysztof Switalski to EU Content Executive Producer and International Licensing Business...
Higher Education needs more than just a lower cost – CCS Dir of Education
In the last year or two there has been a great deal of discussion and debate about how to fix the education system in the US. What was once one of the top systems in the world, it has descended to mediocrity and in many cases well below that. The issue that has been...
Application for Fall 2020 is now open
Corporate Certificate School, a Hands-on Tuition Free Education program for learning media and broadcast messaging, has opened the application process for the Fall 2020 semester which will run from Thursday Sept 10 to Thursday Nov 19, 2020. The application process is...
Roadway Intelligence Announces Location for Broadcast Certification School
LIVERMORE, CA.——With the changing educational and economic environment as a result of the global pandemic of COVID-19, Roadway Intelligence, Inc. announced has launched the Corporate Certificate School (CCS). A polytechnic postsecondary school, addressing both the new...
Announcing GoFundMe campaign for CCS
We are pleased to announce the GoFundMe campaign for the Corporate Certificate School (CCS). The campaign is to raise funds to cover the overhead costs of accelerating the launch of the certificate programs from September 2021 to September 2020 as a result of the...
CCS Announces First Session Dates
Roadway Intelligence and Corporate Certificate School is pleased to announce that the First Session of classes will take place from September 2020-November 2020 with a social distance compliant classrooms for in-class & hands-on courses. Classes are planned for an...

Prime phasellus a ullamcorper sapien, in tempus leo. Etiam interdum commodo varius
Nullam quis aliquet turpis. Etiam placerat leo a semper vestibulum. Etiam sem lectus, viverra nec viverra ac, sagittis vel neque. Etiam gravida enim a nibh luctus aliquam. Sed ligula odio, luctus non finibus ut, porttitor et tellus. Donec eget ante quam. Ut nec orci...

Classic curabitur elementum quam nunc, varius pellentesque neque imperdiet et. Fusce eget lobortis dui. Ut magna neque
Nullam quis aliquet turpis. Etiam placerat leo a semper vestibulum. Etiam sem lectus, viverra nec viverra ac, sagittis vel neque. Etiam gravida enim a nibh luctus aliquam. Sed ligula odio, luctus non finibus ut, porttitor et tellus. Donec eget ante quam. Ut nec orci...

Umbra aliquam feugiat, leo sit amet dictum dignissim, lacus sapien dignissim nulla, in luctus erat
Nullam quis aliquet turpis. Etiam placerat leo a semper vestibulum. Etiam sem lectus, viverra nec viverra ac, sagittis vel neque. Etiam gravida enim a nibh luctus aliquam. Sed ligula odio, luctus non finibus ut, porttitor et tellus. Donec eget ante quam. Ut nec orci...

Felix ut magna neque, finibus ut mollis at, commodo vel justo. Integer sit amet enim et purus commodo
Nullam quis aliquet turpis. Etiam placerat leo a semper vestibulum. Etiam sem lectus, viverra nec viverra ac, sagittis vel neque. Etiam gravida enim a nibh luctus aliquam. Sed ligula odio, luctus non finibus ut, porttitor et tellus. Donec eget ante quam. Ut nec orci...