
Roberto Mendez

Director of Education



Roberto Mendez, is an executive at Roadway Intelligence and is the Director of Education steering the direction of the Corporate Certificate School. From the administration side, he is bringing over 33 years of education experience as an innovative College Administrator that has created unique educational program. The rapid changes in the communication technology and social interactions require adaption and shifts in the educational system that, because of its size, cannot be made in a timely fashion for traditional institutions.

The CCS program was developed to provide an opportunity for any student to achieve his career and college goal, especially those from the people of color community and women head of households (HOH) that also have financial challenges addressing higher education. The new school operation will build on the national programs like the Hayward middle college program, he created, that has been recognized nationally. These will be supplemented by the traditional partner coordination, writing grants, and designing new curriculum programs,

Meet our faculty members

Pallab Chatterjee

Pallab Chatterjee

Director of Sponsors & Partners

Coming from a technology background in Electrical Engineering (BSEE, MSEE) with over 35years of independent practice, he has a passion for the proper use of technology to enable promoting new ideas and stories. This drove the transition from design engineering to full time media and now to the next step for Roadway Intelligence, which is addressing the multimedia industry, a new model for tuition free career oriented education and support for the content creation community that follows Roadway Intelligence. He is an ISQED Fellow, a Sr Member of the IEEE as well as being one of the global editors of the cited reference publication the IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.

Cristian Mendez

Cristian Mendez

Director of Internship Activities

Producer and Director at Roadway Media Productions, Cristian Mendez has acquired certified training in Black Magic’s Davinci Resolve software used for Color Correction and Video Editing in the Industry. He has also helped produce and edit various shows that have been released on streaming services for millions on Comcast and Vimeo for Roadway Media. He has acquired skills in 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Animation. With the help of his mentor, he has been able to help bring light into the gap that the entertainment industry has in regards to experience.

Krzysztof Switalski

Krzysztof Switalski

Director of International Development

Krzysztof Switalski joins the Corporate Certificate School Administration  in the strategic role of EU Content Executive Producer and International Licensing Business Development Director.  He brings over 25 years of experience in  Promoting and supporting scientific exchange and the transfer of new technology between Polish Universities (G.I.F.T. Cluster’s Partners) and global markets as well as teaching.   His experience includes overseeing the complete operation of foundations in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans. He has been representing organization before civic and professional associations as well as in regards to its responsibilities and activities on local, regional, national and international level across the EU and North America.