Sponsors & Partners
As the educational branch of Roadway Intelligence, Inc a 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation, the school receives its operating funds from Roadway Intelligence. In order to provide tuition-free hands-on education to the students, Roadway Intelligence works with companies and other organizations in the community to attract donations that can be used for covering the costs of the students, the facilities & equipment, and the faculty & staff of the school.
There are several types of support from the corporate and individual community that is being sought.
For 2020, the CARES Act that was passed by Congress in February 2020 to address the Coronavirus Pandemic Economic impact has special rules that make this year advantageous to support non-profit organizations with equipment and financial donations. A short summary of the key points are available here Charitable Contribution Guidelines for 2020a, for helping guide your purchasing and financial teams to better understand the options for this year.
As a result of the special tax breaks for donations to Non-Profit Corporations in 2020, all programs are available on a multi-year (3yr, 5yr, and 7 yr) agreement with every 6 mos review for continuation terms.
Guest Lectures for Classes
Each of the 20 session classes has a structure that supports up to FOUR (4) classes with industry speakers and experts. A core of the classroom structure is an emphasis on practically and applicability of knowledge and experience for the career path beyond the school. This requires students both be exposed to industry leaders and learn to relate to them as peers.
Corporate Internship Programs
Unlike online classes, the hands-on education at the school is anchored by the practical experience offered to the students in form of Internship Programs. The program is designed such that an Extended Internship program is TWO back-to-back Internship programs. A number of the certification programs being offered have multiple pieces that must be taken in a sequence. The Apprenticeship Programs are designed so the Corporate supporting company, can get continuity as well as planning/resource allocation capability for individuals while they complete the multiple certifications.
CCS Partnership Program
The CCS Partnership Program is targeted to companies providing products (hardware/ software/ services) that make the next generation workflow for the 2030 Message Economy. These are solutions that are part of the Cinema, Live Performance/Large Venue, Music, TV, Gaming, Advertising all integrated with data & user Security marketplace.