About Us
The reality is the “trade schools” also known as “polytechnic schools” have a key role in the rebuilding of an economy. The trick is to “modernize the coursework” from the agenda and scope that were set in the 1980’s. Modern “polytechnic schools” are addressing the market through training and certification to industry and corporate standards. This model has another major advantage over just subsidizing the existing public education system – the course work is short term, so it can be offered at no cost to the student.
We have opened a new school – mnemonically named Corporate Certificate School (CCS) which is offering complete certificate programs in 10-12 weeks’ periods. This short program time allows for hands-on, in-class learning, with access to labs and equipment, as well as practical internship to gain experience simultaneous with holding a full-time job or transitioning to a new career during a covered period of unemployment payments. The student’s education is subsidized, not by taxes and public burden, but by the companies that are seeking to hire people with specific tools and workflow skills. Under this model, while being an independent school, it is created from the ground up under a non-profit charity model for the education – the coursework and the ability to find a career after – not just a job – is created to the benefit of the students.
Our Story
We have created the program in the San Francisco Bay Area and the first market being addressed is for the content creation marketplace to prepare people for the 2030 “Message Economy” that is rapidly approaching. Messaging to explain, promote, service and review a product or individual is the next big market coming the US economy. Whether it is in trade publications, blogs, social media, or other communication vehicle, the world of traveling everywhere to see customers and the giant trade shows is gone – so putting the message in to a proper story with the correct visuals to allow someone to focus their attention on the product on a VOD or Podcast basis is where jobs will be shortly.
Who we are
CCS is a Tuition-Free Hands-On educational program that teaches industry approved video and media technology centered around broadcast technology
Vision statement
The goal is to help your voice be heard now, and in the future.