Corporate Internship Programs
Unlike on-line classes, the hands-on education at the school, is anchored by practical experience offered to the students in form of Internship Programs . The program is designed such that an Extended Internship program is TWO back to back Internship programs. A number of the certification programs being offered have multiple pieces that must be taken in a sequence. The Apprenticeship Programs are designed so the Corporate supporting company, can get continuity as well as planning/resource allocation capability for individuals while they complete the multiple certifications.
Scope of the Internship Program:
A core of the practical experience in the CCS coursework is the opportunity to gain this knowledge and hone their skills on real projects. Roadway Media Productions, which is part of Roadway Intelligence will be providing some of the Internship work, however with the large number of students planned for 2020, the company does not have sufficient projects in place to support al the students attending the school in 2021 and beyond.
The Internship Program has Three Simultaneous Goals –
Expose the students to real world media work (long run content and short run news style -NOT scripted performance) that can be listed on a resume and verified by third parties.
Collect a re-viewable portfolio of efforts used in the classes and the internship program that is electronically available for potential employers.
AI Workflow
Workflow performance metrics and result QOE metrics for use in predicative analytic models to be used to create future projects, budgets, manpower, and resource allocations. This is similar to bringing “Billyball” metrics to the media arts production/agency community.
A portion of the activities of the program will be activities related to long run content for broadcast TV and production of shows for broadcast TV with Roadway Media. We are interested in also using sponsor provide projects for direct to streaming and direct to video production. We are looking for sponsor relevant project in the short run length application for the VOD or Streaming use. The Sponsor relevant projects can also be Mentored activities provided there are multiple internships involved with the same project and semester.
The Exposure of the Internship Program are:
Live Classrooms
Guest Lecture's contain a Minnimum Audience of Approximately 25 People. Classes are subject to being In Person or Virtual based on Current COVID Guidelines.
Video Recording
Roadway Media Productions covers Professional on-site Video Recording of the Presentation and Demo held in the classes for Online Education Use.
Option for Creation ( Teleplay and Production) of Long-Run Broadcast/Streaming Content at Discounted Production Rates for Shows or Events.
VOD Visibility
Inclusion of a Portion of the Final Produced Video into one of the Roadway Media Production TV and VOD Shows. These Programs are aired on:
- TL Network
- Vimeo
- Youtube
- Other OTT
Right of first refusal on employment discussions with Internship student.
Credits on production–Recognition by the School of the Internship/Apprenticeship Sponsorship
TVOD Events
Priority on inclusion for preferential placement in future TVOD events
Perpetual Lobby plaque (at CCS and Sponsor Company) of years and number of Students Sponsored
Scope of the Extended Internship Program:
The Extended Internship Program is for a single individual who is a participant in TWO (2) back-to-back Internship programs. The program can be for Internships in any two semesters of certification in the skills for a single vendor program or multiple areas. The Extended Internship program can included sponsoring company content creation, as well as on-site activity, if the sponsor is located in the SF Bay area.