In association with our facilities partner the San Leandro Adult Schoo and new regulations/guidance by Alameda County and the State of CA, we have once again modified our class schedule for FALL 2020. The revised plan, as of July 30, 2020 is to offer TWO (2) classes that are each paired classes.
The first class is the combination of video editing and media storage being taught by Roberto Mendez and Tom Coughlin. The second class is the combination of PR for entrepreneurs and Electronic Appearance being taught by Scott Robertson and Pallab Chatterjee. Both classes are being offered on a 4 day a week basis with one subject Monday and Wednesday, and the other Tuesday and Thursday.
The recent decision to require no-on-site classes for the start of the classes in Fall 2020, had us implement a second change. The classes are now starting on Sept 1 and still ending Thursday Nov 19, however the course material is being split into two halves – the first half will be instruction and training on the materials, the second half is practical project work to use the learning and get comfortable with the technology. The final exams will still be the week of Nov 19.
This structure was chosen in the event of a new wave of COVID-19, as it allows the project portion to be completed on a work at home basis, and individualized Q&A with other classmates or CCS Staff.
On this compacted schedule basis the classes moved to a two hour format for instruction. And then 1 hour per session as scheduled project overview and Q&A – the homework/project work will be submitted on-line per the schedules defined in the class.
The structure of Corporate Certificate School (CCS) is that the classes are remaining Tuition Free which includes that there is no need to present financial need or apply for student loans for the program.